This resource is a statutory compilation of pimping and related crimes in all 50 states.
Improving Witness Safety and Preventing Witness Intimidation in the Justice System – Benchmarks for Progress
The pervasive problem of victim/witness intimidation in the criminal justice system requires a strategy for change and firm commitments from leaders and practitioners alike. This resource includes tools for practitioners to use collaboratively within their communities. These tools provide criminal justice leaders with concrete guidance to implement best practices in preventing and responding to witness intimidation. The resource defines the problem, identifies concrete solutions, and outlines a process for assessing and improving witness safety.
Restitution and Asset Forfeiture: A Focus on Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is tantamount to modern slavery and is a crime with devastating consequences. This resource summarizes the restitution and asset forfeiture laws related to human trafficking in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, U.S. Territories, and federal jurisdictions. An analysis of the laws was conducted, and summaries of the restitution and asset forfeiture laws are included within. The full text of these statutes is included, as well as the citation for the relevant human trafficking statute(s) for each jurisdiction.
Evading Justice: The Pervasive Nature of Witness Intimidation
Acts of witness intimidation range from the crude to the complex and, when successful, evade the purview of the justice system, which allows the criminal behavior to continue unchecked. The pervasive nature of these crimes is devastating to victims and to community confidence in the justice system’s ability to keep victims safe and hold offenders accountable. Criminal justice professionals, community leaders, and researchers have declared witness intimidation a national concern and a challenge to the administration of justice. This article discusses how to recognize intimidation and reduce its impact on the criminal justice system through education, documentation and other preventive measures. The authors also offer effective investigation and prosecution strategies.
Hitting Them Where It Hurts – Strategies for Seizing Assets in Human Trafficking Cases
Human trafficking is a lucrative business that is extremely difficult to identify, investigate, and prosecute, and there are still significant barriers to a successful outcome in these cases, including, among other things, limited resources. Even where offenders are prosecuted and convicted, victims are often left shattered physically, emotionally, and financially by their experiences. Asset forfeiture laws provide for the seizure of property that is a fruit of – or was used to further – the criminal enterprise. Utilizing these laws is one effective way to deter and disrupt traffickers while providing trafficking victims with the monetary means to rebuild their lives. This Strategies in Brief discusses civil and criminal asset forfeiture as a tool in prosecuting cases of human trafficking and related crimes.
Assisting Human Trafficking Victims with Return of Property and Restitution
Investigating and prosecuting cases of human trafficking and violence against sexually exploited women is rife with challenges, including balancing victims’ property interests with the need to hold traffickers and exploiters accountable. Criminal justice professionals can meet these challenges by pursuing the return of victims’ property and seeking restitution where appropriate. This Strategies in Brief identifies issues that often arise when trying to return property to victims in human trafficking cases and will provide collaborative strategies for prosecutors and allied criminal justice professionals seeking to balance victim and criminal justice interests. It also presents an overview of restitution as another means of relief for victims of human trafficking to be considered by prosecutors.
Enhancing Prosecutions of Human Trafficking and Related Violence Against Sexually Exploited Women
A strong response to violence against sexually exploited women is critical to closing existing gaps and enhancing community safety and offender accountability. Collaboration among prosecutors and allied professionals with relevant expertise (e.g., organized crime, narcotics, and gangs) enhances the identification of victims and perpetrators and the effectiveness of the response to these crimes. This article outlines seven strategies to help prosecutors develop or refine their response to recognize and respond to the interconnected sexual and physical violence perpetrated against trafficking victims and individuals who experience violence as a result of their exploitation.
No Victim? Don’t Give Up: Creative Strategies in Prosecuting Human Trafficking Cases Using Forfeiture by Wrongdoing and Other Evidence-Based Techniques
The challenges presented in the course of investigating and prosecuting human trafficking cases can be daunting. Among the most common and difficult of these obstacles is the inability or unwillingness of victims to participate in the process. This reluctance may be based upon a variety of factors, including the victims’ fear, shame, distrust of law enforcement, and a real — or perceived — lack of alternatives to trafficking as a way of life. Sometimes the unwillingness of victims to participate arises from their relationships with their traffickers, who may exploit love and intimate relationships to recruit their victims. These challenges are significant but not insurmountable. Prosecutors and allied professionals can employ strategies to enhance the willingness of victims to participate in the prosecution of their traffickers and to enhance the success of the trafficking prosecution even without their participation. When victims do not participate, however, preparing and litigating forfeiture by wrongdoing motions is critical to the successful prosecution of these cases. This article discusses several key investigative and prosecution strategies.
Williams v. Illinois and Forensic Evidence – The Bleeding Edge of Crawford
The application of Crawford principles in the context of forensic evidence continues to plague the criminal justice system. The United States Supreme Court’s decision in Williams v. Illinois raises more questions than it answers about when and how an expert may testify to conclusions based upon the opinions or work of other (non-testifying) experts or technicians. This article reviews the relevant case law, and explores how trial prosecutors can present a case involving forensic testing conducted by a multitude of technicians and experts. It also addresses Williams’ impact on cold cases, in which original experts who performed autopsies and other forensic examinations and testing are no longer available for trial. The author provides practical suggestions to trial prosecutors who must balance limited resources against the need to secure convictions that will withstand confrontation challenges on appeal.
Integrating a Trauma-Informed Response in Violence Against Women and Human Trafficking Prosecutions
This Strategies Newsletter describes a trauma-informed approach to responding to these crimes and discusses practices where such an approach has already been incorporated, highlighting areas where continued, additional integration is necessary. This article also identifies gaps in the application of the approach, specifically in reference to other co-occurring, violence against women and human trafficking crimes, and suggests strategies to more effectively integrate trauma-informed investigative and prosecutorial practices.