Prosecuting Strangulation Injury

Strangulation is one of the most lethal forms of violence employed by perpetrators of intimate partner violence. Nonfatal strangulation often results in little or no visible injury to the victim, despite the fact that the victim has been placed at risk of death or serious injury that may not manifest until much later. But in the absence of visible injury, other telltale symptoms may be present. It’s critical for law enforcement officers and other first responders to identify these symptoms of strangulation, document the indicators, and offer and encourage appropriate medical evaluation and treatment. This presentation addresses common misconceptions about strangulation injury and focuses on the real signs and symptoms, medical evaluation and documentation, risk factors, and trial strategies.

This webinar recording should qualify prosecutors for 1.5 hours of continuing legal education (CLE) credits. Prosecutors are encouraged to contact their state bar association in reference to application requirements and related fees.