Stop Calling It ‘Revenge Porn’: Prosecuting Image Exploitation

Image exploitation involves the nonconsensual creation, possession, or distribution of an image or images depicting victims engaged in consensual sexual activity or being sexually assaulted. As technology continues to evolve more quickly than the law, image exploitation crimes are being addressed by a patchwork of criminal laws. We as prosecutors must continue to respond to this complex crime and to hold offenders accountable under imperfect or untested laws. This webinar explores the various forms of image exploitation and the types of statutes under which this abuse can be prosecuted, enabling prosecutors to choose the most advantageous charging strategies within their own jurisdictions. In addition, the presenter offers offender-trial strategies are offered to assist in overcoming common victim-blaming defenses.

This webinar recording should qualify prosecutors for 1 hour of continuing legal education (CLE) credits. Prosecutors are encouraged to contact their state bar association in reference to application requirements and related fees.