AEquitas - Champions for Justice

National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative
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There is currently no reliable estimate for the number of sexual assault kits (SAKs) that have not been submitted to a crime laboratory, and the reasons behind this backlog are complex. Unsubmitted SAKs can be attributed to many factors, including poor evidence tracking, outdated and ineffective investigation practices, lack of resources and personnel, misunderstanding of crime lab case acceptance policies, and lack of understanding among law enforcement personnel about the value of testing SAKs. Resolving these issues is critical to providing justice for victims and preventing future backlogs.


The National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) provides funding through a competitive grant program to support the jurisdictional reform of approaches to sexual assault cases resulting from evidence found in sexual assault kits (SAKs) that have never been submitted to a crime laboratory. SAKI is administered by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and aims to create a coordinated community response that ensures just resolution to sexual assault cases through: a comprehensive and victim-centered approach; jurisdictional capacity building to prevent high numbers of unsubmitted SAKs in the future: and supporting the investigation and prosecution of cases for which SAKs were previously unsubmitted.


The SAKI Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) program, led by RTI International and in partnership with a team of subject matter experts, including AEquitas, offers expertise and assistance to jurisdictions as they establish widespread, evidence-based, sustainable practices for:

-Collecting and processing forensic evidence

-Investigating and prosecuting sexual assault cases resulting from evidence from previously unsubmitted sexual assault kits (SAKs)

-Supporting survivors of sexual assault.


In collaboration with ongoing efforts underway at the Office of Justice Programs and stakeholder organizations, the SAKI TTA team will assist in the development, implementation, and dissemination of best practices, policies, and protocols for addressing systematic issues that lead to large numbers of unsubmitted kits, and preventing those issues from reoccurring in the future.


The TTA team will efficiently disseminate publications and resources kits that address the lessons learned, common challenges, and best practices resulting from the experience of the SAKI grantees.




Successful Prosecution of Cold Case Sexual Assault 

The Prosecutors’ Role in Survivor Notification  

Preparing and Conducting Direct Examination of the Victim 

Preparing and Conducting Direct Examination of the Detective 

Preparing and Conducting Direct Examination of a Forensic Scientist

Preparing and Conducting Direct Examination of a SANE

Cross-Examining the Defendant: Seizing the Opportunity for Justice

VICAP: A Powerful Tool to Track and Analyze Crimes of Serial Sex Offenders


SAKI Virtual Academy

Prosecuting Cold Case Sexual Assaults


SAKI Toolkit

Unique Aspects of Prosecuting Cold Case Sexual Assaults

Responding to Motions to Dismiss Under Statutes of Limitations or Pre-accusation Delay

Key Considerations in Preparing a Sexual Assault Cold Case for Trial

Understanding the Use of John Doe Arrest Warrants in Prosecuting Cold Case Sexual Assault for Advocates

Understanding the Use of John Doe Arrest Warrants in Prosecuting Cold Case Sexual Assault for Law Enforcement

Understanding the Use of John Doe Arrest Warrants in Prosecuting Cold Case Sexual Assault for Prosecutors

Overcoming the Consent Defense: Prosecuting the Known Offender

Cold Case Alcohol- and Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault

Educating Juries in Sexual Assault Cases, Part 1: Using Voir Dire to Eliminate Jury Bias

Prosecuting Cold Case Sexual Assault: Jury Selection/Voir Dire

Guiding and Supporting a Victim’s Choice to Participate in the Prosecution of Sexual Violence

Next-Level Compulsion of Victim Testimony in Crimes of Sexual Violence Against Adults