Supporting the Enhanced Collaborative Model (ECM) Task Force to Combat Human Trafficking Program
AEquitas is proud to have support from the Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) to deliver cutting edge national trainings to strengthen the Enhanced Collaborative Model (ECM) Task Force model approach and build the capacity of existing and future human trafficking (HT) task forces by leveraging subject matter experts to address emerging issues, build skills relevant to investigating and prosecuting sex and labor trafficking, and ensure the implementation of best practices that are survivor-centered and trauma-informed.
AEquitas is hosting a number of free in-person trainings starting in June 2024, going through September 2026. These trainings include the Leadership Institute to Combat Human Trafficking (LICHT), Beyond the Basics: Advancing Human Trafficking Investigations and Prosecutions (BTB), and Collaborative Responses to Identifying, Investigating, & Prosecuting Labor Trafficking.
These trainings qualify as an OVC-approved training under the ECM program and would fulfill a training requirement if appropriate personnel would like to attend. If you have any questions about ECM training requirements or use of your grant funding to attend, please contact your grant manager. While the trainings are free, your task force or agency will be responsible for covering travel costs.
For upcoming trainings and applications, please click “Upcoming Events” below.
Beyond the Basics is a free, in-person, 3-day advanced human trafficking training taking place in San Diego, CA. This OVC funded event is offered as part of the OVC Enhanced Collaborative Model (ECM) Task Force to Combat Human Trafficking training series for ECM task forces. The highly interactive and scenario-based training will provide innovative, practical, and trauma-informed strategies to enhance victim-centered responses, and offender-focused investigations and prosecutions. This training is for law enforcement, prosecutors, and analysts who are members of a collaborative, multidisciplinary team and of have experience investigating and prosecuting human trafficking.
Audience: Sworn law enforcement, analysts, and prosecutors
Future trainings: August 6-8, 2025 and April 2026
The Leadership Institute to Combat Human Trafficking is expected to be delivered in April 2025, exact date and location pending. This training is a unique opportunity for elected and executive-level leadership from police and prosecutor agencies to develop and refine human trafficking responses that promote public safety and build public trust.
Experienced faculty with diverse subject-matter expertise will facilitate peer-to-peer conversations around the following topics:
• Organizational infrastructure, resources, policies, and practices to more effectively combat sex and labor trafficking;
• Integration of survivor voices to develop, implement, and sustain promising practices that are victim-centered and trauma-informed;
• Effective communication of the realities of human trafficking;
• Minimizing barriers to victim disclosure
Audience: Executive level police and prosecutors with significant decision-making power over policies, staffing, and allocation of resources
Future trainings: October 2025 and June 2026
Identifying, investigating, and prosecuting labor trafficking requires a collaborative approach. This training is a free, in-person, 3-day multidisciplinary training will provide opportunities for law enforcement, prosecutors, victim service providers, and allied partners to engage with diverse faculty with subject-matter expertise to develop collaborative strategies to improve your jurisdiction’s response to labor trafficking. This training will use case studies, interactive activities, and small group discussions to provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and partnerships to better support victims and hold offenders accountable.
Audience: Multi-disciplinary stakeholders
Future trainings: February 2026 and August 2026
Identifying, investigating, and prosecuting labor trafficking requires a collaborative approach. This training is a free, in-person, 3-day multidisciplinary training will provide opportunities for law enforcement, prosecutors, victim service providers, and allied partners to engage with diverse faculty with subject-matter expertise to develop collaborative strategies to improve your jurisdiction’s response to labor trafficking. This training will use case studies, interactive activities, and small group discussions to provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and partnerships to better support victims and hold offenders accountable.