Domestic Violence Reporting

This document provides a summary of state laws relevant to the mandatory reporting of domestic violence or abuse by medical professionals to law enforcement when the victim is a competent adult. The resource is organized into four categories: laws that specifically require injuries caused by domestic violence or abuse to be reported; laws that require injuries caused by non-accidental or intentional conduct to be reported; laws that require injuries caused by criminal conduct to be reported; reporting requirements relating to other crimes or injuries that may impact victims of domestic violence or abuse.

Summary of Laws & Guidelines – Payment of Sexual Assault Forensic Examinations

Victims of sexual assault often undergo a Sexual Assault Forensic Examination (SAFE) following an assault and may also receive additional medical treatment for physical and emotional injuries. The majority of states provide for partial or complete payment for a victim’s examination costs. This resource is a summary of the statutes and guidelines related to payment for forensic examinations. The research compiled includes: which agency pays, the specific criteria for payment, what services are included and not included in payment schemes, other authorization or eligibility requirements, disqualifying factors, payment methods, whether the state requires restitution from a guilty defendant, and the existence of evidence retention laws related to sexual assault kits (SAKs).


Model Policy for Prosecutors and Judges on Imposing, Modifying and Lifting Criminal No Contact Orders

The goals of the criminal justice system in a domestic violence case are to seek justice, protect the victim and the community, hold the offender accountable, prevent and deter future crime, and rehabilitate the abuser. Criminal no-contact orders are an effective tool to help protect victims of domestic violence during the pendency of criminal prosecution. This resource outlines what a no-contact order is, how it is obtained, and the complexities around whether to impose or maintain them when taking the victim’s wishes and safety into account. The authors discuss how to implement processes to gather timely and accurate information about risk and lethality, a particular victim’s wishes and motivations, and possible negative consequences in order to best determine when to impose or maintain a no contact order in the face of a victim’s opposition.

Model Policy for Prosecutors and Judges on Imposing, Modifying and Lifting Criminal No Contact Orders

In God’s Shadow: Unveiling the Hidden World of Domestic Violence Victims in Religious Communities

Domestic violence has been elevated to a global epidemic in recent years. Domestic violence victims of closely knit and observant religious communities face a distinct set of barriers, which affects their ability and willingness to report and to cooperate with law enforcement, as well as their ability to escape the abuse. This article provides a unique window into the hidden world of domestic violence victims in communities of faith and tackles some of the complexities associated with this sensitive issue.

Anonymous Reporting in Sexual Assault Cases

This one-pager is a concise summary of anonymous reporting, also known as “Jane Doe” reporting, which refers to cases in which a forensic medical examination is conducted, evidence is collected, and medical treatment is provided for a sexual assault victim who does not report the crime to law enforcement. The resource outlines how anonymous reporting works, what happens to rape kits in those case, and where to go for more information on DNA testing and anonymous reporting.


Annotated Bibliography of Witness Intimidation Resources

This annotated bibliography compiles legal research, social science research, assessment, and best practices and policies for addressing witness intimidation. The first section reviews legal literature that analyzes the legal foundations of witness intimidation, including Supreme Court decisions, statutes, and relevant case law. The second section contains social science research on victims’ experiences of intimidation, as well as implementation of laws and policies to address the problem. The third section summarizes evaluative reports on witness intimidation dynamics in particular communities. The final section, contains best practices and policies to be implemented based on the assessment and research foundations described above.
