Sexual Assault Response Team Pilot Site Summit

AEquitas Attorney Advisor Patti Powers presented “Trial Prep and Courtroom Strategy”  on behalf of the Wisconsin Department of Justice in Madison, Wisconsin to an audience including dual sexual assault/domestic violence program staff, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and sexual assault forensic examiners. 

Enhancing Judicial Skills in Elder Abuse Cases

AEquitas Attorney Advisor Jane Anderson presented on topics including, but not limited to, ageism, aging and capacity, perpetrator justifications and excuses, barriers to safety, and dismissing protection orders on behalf of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) in Tumon Bay, Guam.

14th Annual Advanced New Mexico Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Conference

AEquitas Attorney Advisor John Wilkinson and consultant Kim Nash presented “Medical Evidence and Experts,” “Educating Judges and Juries,” “Expert Testimony” and “Prosecuting Cold Case” on behalf of the New Mexico Coalition of Programs in Albuquerque, New Mexico to an audience including but not limited to, dual sexual assault/domestic violence program staff, health professionals, law enforcement officers and mental health professionals.