This compilation includes a comprehensive look at sexual assault laws in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, U.S. Territories, Military, and federal jurisdictions. The coverage ranges from crimes of rape and sexual assault, abuse, misconduct, or battery to marital rape and intimate partner sexual assault. Several charts are included analyzing issues inherent to rape and sexual assault cases that may arise throughout the course of a prosecution.
Presence of Victim Advocate in Forensic Examination
This resource is a statutory compilation on the presence of victim advocates during forensic examinations in sexual assault cases.
Post Conviction DNA Testing
This resource is a statutory compilation of post-conviction DNA testing at the federal and state levels throughout the U.S.
Polygraph Testing of Sexual Assault Victims
This resource is a compilation of statutes that address the polygraph testing of sexual assault victims at the federal level and for all 50 states and U.S. territories.
John Doe Arrest Warrants
This compilation outlines statutes on John Doe arrest warrants and DNA tolling at the federal level and for all 50 states.
Forfeiture by Wrongdoing
This resource contains a statutory compilation and case law digest, including a summary of the foundational doctrine underlying forfeiture by wrongdoing. It also contains relevant federal case law.
Expert Testimony on Victim Behavior
This case law digest includes a country-wide survey of judicial opinions on the admissibility of expert testimony on victim behavior in cases of sexual and intimate partner violence and child sexual abuse.
Summary of Laws & Guidelines – Payment of Sexual Assault Forensic Examinations
Victims of sexual assault often undergo a Sexual Assault Forensic Examination (SAFE) following an assault and may also receive additional medical treatment for physical and emotional injuries. The majority of states provide for partial or complete payment for a victim’s examination costs. This resource is a summary of the statutes and guidelines related to payment for forensic examinations. The research compiled includes: which agency pays, the specific criteria for payment, what services are included and not included in payment schemes, other authorization or eligibility requirements, disqualifying factors, payment methods, whether the state requires restitution from a guilty defendant, and the existence of evidence retention laws related to sexual assault kits (SAKs).
Anonymous Reporting in Sexual Assault Cases
This one-pager is a concise summary of anonymous reporting, also known as “Jane Doe” reporting, which refers to cases in which a forensic medical examination is conducted, evidence is collected, and medical treatment is provided for a sexual assault victim who does not report the crime to law enforcement. The resource outlines how anonymous reporting works, what happens to rape kits in those case, and where to go for more information on DNA testing and anonymous reporting.
Justice for Victims Behind Bars: Improving the Response to Cases of Sexual Abuse in Confinement
The passage of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) in 2003 created not only a requirement that jurisdictions prevent and respond to incidents of sexual abuse in confinement, but firmly planted sexual abuse in confinement on the list of critical issues for criminal justice system officials across the country. This resource gives an overview of the PREA standards and outlines what an appropriate response to cases of sexual abuse in confinement requires. Professionals require relevant information on the PREA Standards, an understanding of the dynamics of sexual abuse (particularly those dynamics specific to abuse in the confinement setting), and collaboration among the professionals in the jurisdiction. The criminal justice system should consider victims’ safety, privacy, and well-being throughout the process, while ensuring they have access to information and services. Such a response keeps the focus on the actions, behaviors, characteristics, and intent of the abuser.
Justice for Victims Behind Bars Improving the Response to Cases of Sexual Abuse in Confinement