AEquitas staff, along with Polaris, hosted this training in Galveston, Texas and presented on the dynamics of commercial front brothels, implementing a trauma-informed approach, language access, immigration relief for victims of crime, and media engagement to an audience of government agency staff, human trafficking program staff, law enforcement officers and prosecutors.
20th Ending Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Conference
AEquitas Attorney Advisor Jane Anderson presented “Body Worn Cameras & Gender Based Violence” and “Safeguarding Victim Privacy in a Digital World” on behalf of the Kentucky on behalf of Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs, Inc. (KASAP) in Lexington, Kentucky to attorney’s/law students, child advocates, dual sexual assault/domestic violence program staff, government agency staff, mental health professionals, prosecutors, university student affairs staff, and victim-witness specalists.
Durham Lethality Assessment Program: Train-The-Trainer
AEquitas Attorney Advisor John Wilkinson presented “Predominant Aggressor” on behalf of the Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence (MNADV) in Durham, North Carolina to an audience of domestic violence program staff, law enforcement officers, and prosecutors.
2018 Human Trafficking Symposium
AEquitas Attorney Advisor Jonathan Kurland presented “Ethical Considerations in Human Trafficking Cases” on behalf of the Office of Homeland Security, Pennsylvania State Police in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to an audience of attorney’s/law students, corrections personnel, dual sexual assault/domestic violence program staff, government agency staff, law enforcement officers, and prosecutors.
Recognizing and Responding to Stalking
SPARC Associate Advisor Dana Fleitman and Retired Sgt. Mark Kurkowski presented “Understanding Stalking; Investigations and Hearings,” “Technology,” “Responding to Stalking” and “Best Practices, Resources, Questions ” on behalf of the Loudoun County Domestic Abuse Response Team & Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS) in Ashburn, Virginia to an audience of
Investigating and Prosecuting Campus Sexual Assault
AEquitas Attorney Advisor Jonathan Kurland, along with consultant Tom McDevitt, presented “Investigation and Prosecution of Campus Sexual Assault: Dispelling Myths,” “Alcohol Facilitated Sexual Assault,” and “Challenges Multiplied: Multiple Offenders” on behalf of The Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR) in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania to an audience of attorneys/law students, educators, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and victim-witness specialists.
Legal Jiu-Jitsu for Prosecutors in Intimate Partner Violence Cases: Forfeiture by Wrongdoing
Jiu-jitsu is a Japanese martial art that does not depend on the use of size or strength to defeat an opponent. Instead, it employs a variety of tactical moves to prevail by turning the force of an attack against the attacker. Prosecutors in domestic violence cases have a similar art at their disposal to counter confrontation challenges in the common scenario where the offender has intimidated, tricked, manipulated, paid off, killed, or otherwise arranged for the victim to be absent from the trial, leaving the prosecution with only the victim’s out-of-court statements to prove the case.
Virginia Community Criminal Justice Association Annual Conference
SPARC Associate Advisor Dana Fleitman presented “Stalking 2.0: The Use of Technology to Stalk” on behalf of the Virginia Community Criminal Justice Association in Leesburg, Virginia to an audience of corrections staff and court personnel.
Labor Trafficking Conference
AEquitas Attorney Advisor Jane Anderson presented “What’s Immigration Got To Do With It? Strategies for Investigating and Prosecuting Cases Involving Immigrant Victims of Labor Trafficking” on behalf of the Catholic Charities of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky to an audience of attorneys/law students, community advocacy organization staff, faith based organization staff, law enforcement officers and prosecutors.
Protection Order Practice for Prosecutors and Law Enforcement
AEquitas Attorney Advisor Teresa Garvey and SPARC Director Jennifer Landhuis presented on topics including but not limited to, recognizing stalking, threat assessment, domestic violence related firearm prohibitions, overcoming the consent defense, and pre-trial release on behalf of the National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit