Office on Violence Against Women Campus Training and Technical Institute 2018

SPARC Director Jennifer Landhuis presented “Use of Social Media in Gender Based Violence” with Rebecca Dreke and “Know More, Do More: Addressing Stalking on College Campuses” in Fort Worth, Texas for an audience of campus judiciary board members, community advocacy organization staff, law enforcement officers, mental health professionals, and university student affairs staff.

Expert Witness Testimony Training

AEquitas Attorney Advisors Teresa Garvey, Jonathan Kurland, and John Wilkinson presented “Explaining Victim Behavior,” “Admissibility of Expert Testimony,” and “Using Expert Witnesses” on behalf of the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR) in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania to an audience of dual sexual assault/domestic violence program staff and prosecutors. 

Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence (KCSDV)

AEquitas Attorney Advisor Jonathan Kurland, along with consultant Tom McDevitt delivered a series of presentations, included “Investigation and Prosecution of Sexual Violence,” “Introducing Expert Testimony in Sexual Assault Cases,” “Safeguarding Victim Privacy: Ethical Considerations and a Plan of Action for Prosecutors and Victim Attorneys,” and “#GUILTY: Identifying, Preserving, and Admitting Digital Evidence” in Wichita, Kansas.

Human Trafficking Training

AEquitas Attorney Advisor Jane Anderson delivered a series of presentations, including but not limited to human trafficking, witness intimidation, and implementing a trauma informed approach Commonwealth Trading Partners in San Antonio, Texas for an audience of corrections personnel, court personnel, government agency staff, human trafficking program staff, law enforcement officers, and prosecutors. 

Best Practices Training

AEquitas Attorney Advisor Jane Anderson presented on “Special Issues for Prosecutors Certifications and Discovery” and “Human Trafficking & T Visas” on behalf of the National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project (NIWAP) in Morrow, Georgia to an audience including sexual assault/domestic violence program staff, law enforcement and prosecutors. 

National Institute on the Prosecution of Elder Abuse (NIPEA)

The National Institute on the Prosecution of Elder Abuse (NIPEA) is a three-and-one-half-day course sponsored by the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL), and AEquitas. The Institute is designed to challenge prosecutors to reevaluate their approach to prosecuting elder abuse cases. Participants received training on the dynamics of elder abuse as well as practical skills to successfully prosecute these cases. NIPEA explores the complex issues faced by prosecutors — balancing offender accountability with the impact of criminal prosecution on victims. In addition to case evaluation and litigation skills, the curriculum examines the benefits of developing a coordinated, victim-centered community response; explains common injuries and relevant medical evidence, providing guidance on the use of medical experts; explores ethical issues confronted by prosecutors; addresses the development and improvement of culturally-specific victim services; and offers prosecutors the ability to redefine outcomes and the very nature of justice in elder abuse cases.