2018 National SAKI Grantee’s Meeting

AEquitas Attorney Advisor Patti Powers presented “Hot Verdict in a Cold Case: Key Considerations in Informing the Jury’s Response to Evidence” in Crystal City, Virginia to an audience of attorneys/law students, dual sexual assault/domestic violence program staff, government agency staff, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and sexual assault program staff.

Haven House

Attorney Advisor John Wilkinson presented “Strengthening our Response to Domestic and Sexual Violence Through Collaboration,” “Overcoming the Consent Defense,” and “Drug and Alcohol Facilitated Sexual Assault” in Wayne, Nebraska to an audience including dual sexual assault/domestic violence program staff, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and university student affairs staff. 

Women Organized Against Rape (WOAR)

AEquitas Attorney Advisor Jonathan Kurland presented “Alcohol-Facilitated Sexual Assault- Confronting the Reality of Sexual Assault on College Campuses” in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to an audience of dual sexual assault/domestic violence program staff. 

Law Enforcement Response to and Investigation of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking

AEquitas Attorney Advisor John Wilkinson and SPARC Director Jennifer Landhuis delivered a series of presentations delivered a series of presentations on domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking on behalf of the National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA) in Pensacola, Florida to an audience including dual sexual assault/domestic violence program staff, law enforcement officers, mental health professionals, and more.

The 18th Annual Sexual Assault and Stalking Symposium

AEquitas Attorney Advisor Jane Anderson presented “Alcohol-Facilitated Sexual Assault- Confronting the Reality of Sexual Assault on College Campuses” and “#GUILTY: Identifying, Preserving, and Admitting Digital Evidence”, as well as a question and answer session on “Investigating and Prosecuting Image Exploitation” on behalf of the West Virginia Foundation for Rape Info & Services in Roanoke, West Virginia.

Winnebago County Circuit Court

AEquitas Attorney Advisor John Wilkinson presented “Witness Intimidation” and “Predominant Aggressor, Evaluating Lethality, Trauma-Informed Approach, and Evidence-Based Prosecution of Domestic Violence” in Winnebago, Illinois to an audience of court personnel. 

13th Annual Conference on Crimes Against Women (CCAW)

The Conference on Crimes Against Women in Dallas, Texas is a three and one-half day training designed to provide the most effective, relevant, and up-to-date training available for allied justice system professionals responding to crimes of, intimate partner violence, stalking, and human trafficking.


AEquitas has been an official training partner since 2011, and Attorney Advisors Jane Anderson and John Wilkinson presented workshops at the 13th Annual Conference to scores of allied professionals (advocates, law enforcement personnel, and prosecutors), which address and explore the complex issues faced by prosecutors.

Sexual Assault Justice Initiative Training

AEquitas Attorney Advisors Jonathan Kurland and Patti Powers presented on the consent defense, using expert testimony in sexual assault cases, informing the jury’s response to evidence, safeguarding victim privacy, and ethical considerations for prosecutors on behalf of the Tenth Judicial Circuit District Attorney’s Office in Jefferson County, Alabama.