Annual Ending Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Conference

AEquitas Attorney Advisor Jonathan Kurland presented “Intimidation of Victims of Sexual Assault in Confinement” and “Criminal Meets Civil: Coordinating Our Responses” on behalf of the Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs (KASAP) in Lexington, Kentucky for an audience of dual sexual assault/domestic violence program staff, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and victim-witness specialists.

Connecticut Prosecution Training

AEquitas Attorney Advisors Patti Powers and John Wilkinson presented on trauma-informed interviewing, preparing to try a cold case, forensic evidence and cold case sexual assault, overcoming the consent defense, and prosecuting known offenders on behalf of RTI International in Rocky Hill, Connecticut for an audience of law enforcement officers and prosecutors. 

Domestic Violence Prosecution With a Reluctant or Recanting Victim: Effective Victim Engagement and Trial Strategies

AEquitas Attorney Advisors Teresa Garvey and John Wilkinson presented “Trauma-Informed Interviewing,” “Introducing Expert Testimony to Explain Victim Behavior in Intimate Partner Violence Cases,” “Going Forward Without the Victim” and “Working with Recanting Victims” on behalf of the St. Paul City Attorney’s Office in St. Paul, Minnesota to an audience of dual sexual assault/domestic violence program staff, law enforcement officers, and prosecutors. 


Offender-Focused Prosecution Training

AEquitas Attorney Advisor Jonathan Kurland presented “Overcoming the Consent Defense: Prosecuting the Non-Stranger Rapist” and “It’s About Context, Not Character: Admitting Evidence Under R. 404(b)” on behalf of the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania to an audience of community advocacy organization staff, dual sexual assault/domestic violence program staff, government agency staff, prosecutors, and victim-witness specialists. 

Human Trafficking Training

AEquitas Attorney Advisor Jane Anderson presented “Investigation and Prosecution of Human Trafficking” on behalf of Commonwealth Trading Partners, Inc. at Niagara University in Niagara, New York to an audience of law enforcement officers.

West Virginia State Prosecutors Meeting

AEquitas Attorney Advisor John Wilkinson presented “Prosecutors’ Use of Expert Testimony to Explain Victim Behavior in Sexual Assault Cases” on behalf of RTI International in Charleston, West Virginia to an audience of dual sexual assault/domestic violence program staff and prosecutors.

Institute on the Investigation and Prosecution of Illicit Massage Businesses (IIPIMB)

AEquitas Attorney Advisors Jane Anderson and John Wilkinson presented on identifying common features of illicit massage businesses (IMB), criminal activity within IMBs, collaborating with allied professionals, implementing a trauma-formed approach, and immigrant relief for victims of crime on behalf of Polaris in San Luis Obispo, California to an audience of law enforcement officers and prosecutors. 

Cobb County Investigating and Prosecuting Sexual Assault

AEquitas Attorney Advisor Patti Powers and toxicology expert Tom Bosy presented “Alcohol Facilitated Sexual Assault,” “First Do No Harm: Trauma-Informed Interviewing,” “Safeguarding Victim Privacy, and “Campus Sexual Assault” on behalf of the Cobb County District Attorney’s Office in Marietta, Georgia for an audience of dual sexual assault/domestic violence program staff, law enforcement officers, and prosecutors.