A Study in Labor Trafficking: Modes, Means, and Methods of Organized Trafficking Operations

Labor trafficking organizations often operate clandestinely in legitimate venues and industries, causing victims to routinely go undetected or be misidentified. This webinar uses a case study to highlight the key findings from a recent Urban Institute/Northeastern University report. The presenters offer strategies for overcoming some of the barriers in identifying, investigating, and prosecuting labor trafficking, including how to apply the research to practical investigative techniques, overcome common misconceptions about labor trafficking, and effectively coordinate with allied professionals in the justice system, business community, and community-based programs.

This webinar recording should qualify prosecutors for 1.5 hours of continuing legal education (CLE) credits. Prosecutors are encouraged to contact their state bar association in reference to application requirements and related fees.

Human Trafficking Training

AEquitas Attorney Advisor Jane Anderson delivered a series of presentations, including but not limited to human trafficking, witness intimidation, and implementing a trauma informed approach Commonwealth Trading Partners in San Antonio, Texas for an audience of corrections personnel, court personnel, government agency staff, human trafficking program staff, law enforcement officers, and prosecutors. 

Best Practices Training

AEquitas Attorney Advisor Jane Anderson presented on “Special Issues for Prosecutors Certifications and Discovery” and “Human Trafficking & T Visas” on behalf of the National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project (NIWAP) in Morrow, Georgia to an audience including sexual assault/domestic violence program staff, law enforcement and prosecutors.