This resource includes a statutory compilation of strangulation crimes in the 50 states, District of Columbia, U.S. Territories, Military, and federal jurisdictions. Relevant case law is also included, where applicable, for each jurisdiction. AEquitas has also developed an additional document discussing the legislative response to strangulation.
Spousal Immunity and Marital Privilege
This compilation focuses on criminal statutes on spousal immunity and privilege across the 50 states, the District of Columbia, U.S. Territories, Military and federal jurisdictions. This resource also looks at those statutes that recognize an exception to spousal immunity and privilege in crimes of intimate partner and domestic violence.
Predominant Aggressor Arrest Provisions
This resource is a statutory compilation of predominant aggressor arrest provisions at the federal level and for all 50 states and U.S. territories.
Linking Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence
This resource is a statutory compilation of current and upcoming legislation that links animal abuse and domestic violence. Listings include all 50 states and U.S. territories.
Forfeiture by Wrongdoing
This resource contains a statutory compilation and case law digest, including a summary of the foundational doctrine underlying forfeiture by wrongdoing. It also contains relevant federal case law.
Domestic Violence Reporting
This document provides a summary of state laws relevant to the mandatory reporting of domestic violence or abuse by medical professionals to law enforcement when the victim is a competent adult. The resource is organized into four categories: laws that specifically require injuries caused by domestic violence or abuse to be reported; laws that require injuries caused by non-accidental or intentional conduct to be reported; laws that require injuries caused by criminal conduct to be reported; reporting requirements relating to other crimes or injuries that may impact victims of domestic violence or abuse.
Domestic Violence Committed in the Presence of Children
This compilation includes the criminal statutes for domestic violence committed in the presence of children in the United States.
Domestic Violence Arrest Policies
This compilation includes the domestic violence arrest statutes from all fifty states.
Domestic Violence
This compilation includes a 50-state survey of domestic violence laws in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, U.S. Territories, Military, and federal jurisdictions.
Model Policy for Prosecutors and Judges on Imposing, Modifying and Lifting Criminal No Contact Orders
The goals of the criminal justice system in a domestic violence case are to seek justice, protect the victim and the community, hold the offender accountable, prevent and deter future crime, and rehabilitate the abuser. Criminal no-contact orders are an effective tool to help protect victims of domestic violence during the pendency of criminal prosecution. This resource outlines what a no-contact order is, how it is obtained, and the complexities around whether to impose or maintain them when taking the victim’s wishes and safety into account. The authors discuss how to implement processes to gather timely and accurate information about risk and lethality, a particular victim’s wishes and motivations, and possible negative consequences in order to best determine when to impose or maintain a no contact order in the face of a victim’s opposition.