Berks Loses Assistant DA to Help Prosecutors Nationwide

Kurland left his position as chief deputy district attorney in August to start work as an attorney adviser with the Washington-based advocacy group AEquitas. The nonprofit serves as a resource for prosecutors nationwide, providing technical assistance, training and research on best practices for cases involving intimate partner violence, sexual assault and human trafficking. Kurland, 45, is joining a team of six attorneys who travel the world to conduct trainings. And when he’s not traveling, Kurland said he’ll be busy researching issues and designing courses from home. The organization is proactive when it comes to technology, so Kurland said he and his family will be able to stay in Berks, where they’ve built their home and life.


Kurland made strong connections with AEquitas while working on the case against Jose Olivo, who was convicted of sexually assaulting a young girl. The case was stalled for several years over appeals regarding the use of expert testimony about the ways victims respond to sexual abuse. It was one of the first cases in the state to make that request and Kurland said was ultimately the one that helped get the statute blessed by the Superior Court. He’s now looking forward to helping other prosecutors in similar circumstances. “What I always liked from AEquitas is that it sort of kept me going,” he said. “It can be a tough job and burnout can be high, but when I would go to trainings conducted by AEquitas, it would inspire me to look for better practices here in Berks County. “And if I can help do that for people in prosecutors’ offices across the nation, then that’s pretty rewarding.”